Mysoft is delighted to announce its strategic expansion into North America. 

In line with our ongoing plan to expand and support our growing customer base of both Sage X3 and X3CloudDocs sites, Mysoft has extended our Sage Partnership outside of the UK.

Our Managing Director, Mr. Chris Schafer commented: “We are thrilled to be both a UK and North American Sage Partner. This will allow us to provide an even better service to our global customers and deepen our relationship with Sage”

Mysoft is the first Sage X3 UK partner, with over 450 years of collective experience. We have the largest Sage X3 dedicated team with over 50 members of staff. We live and breathe Sage X3.

Mysoft recognises that every business is unique and distinct, we tailor solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our Brand is synonymous with excellence, from initial scoping and implementation to ongoing development and support. Our team serves as a trustworthy companion on your ERP journey, ensuring a safe and reliable experience.

As your strategic partner, we are committed to elevating your company’s efficiency and agility to the highest levels possible. Drawing upon our extensive and diverse experience in ERP, we unlock the full potential of your business, helping you navigate and excel in today’s competitive landscape.

Since launching our North American arm, we are also thrilled to unveil that we have reached the exciting milestone of onboarding our first Canadian-headquartered Sage X3 customer. This marks the start of officially expanding our global reach into the North American territory.

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, staying competitive and efficient is of paramount importance. For organisations in the manufacturing, wholesale, and distribution, a robust Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is the linchpin of their success.

If your company, like Mysoft, is a leading Sage partner in the UK, you’re no stranger to the transformative power of Sage X3. In this article, we’ll explore the crucial reasons behind migrating to a new ERP system, the risks of clinging to legacy software, and the abundant advantages of embracing new functionality.

software upgrade

Why Migrate to a New ERP System?

1. Gaining New Functionality


2. Mitigating Risks of Legacy Software


3. Long Term Operational Costs:

Legacy software can become increasingly expensive to maintain and operate, especially if it requires custom solutions. Modern ERP systems come with regular updates and support, reducing long-term costs. The operational cost is not limited to solution building but the time spent maintaining the system on a day to day basis and the cost of the business running inefficiently are also major factors and challenges.


Take away:

In today’s world migrating to a new Accounting, Distribution or Manufacturing system is not just a wise choice; it’s often a necessity in today’s competitive business environment.

At Mysoft, as a leading Sage partner, we’re well-equipped to guide organisations in manufacturing, wholesale, and distribution towards the future of business management. By mitigating the risks of legacy software and embracing the advantages of new functionality, our clients can unlock their full potential and achieve sustained success.

If you’re interested in discussing how Mysoft can help your organisation make a seamless transition to a new ERP system like Sage X3, feel free to get in touch with our team. We’re here to support you on your journey towards a brighter, more efficient future for your business.

Mysoft x Digital Humani

As part of Mysoft’s TREE initiative, we want to explore ways of tackling climate change and planting trees was an obvious positive action we could undertake. Beyond helping to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere over their lifetime, trees have other environmental benefits, such as helping to restore biodiversity and ecosystems that have been damaged by humans, as well as reducing soil erosion & degradation. 

As a Sage Business Partner, we wanted to do more than just commit to planting a limited number of trees in an ad hoc fashion. Instead, Mysoft wanted to integrate tree planting right into Sage X3, allowing our successes as a business to instantly translate into successes for the environment.


Selection of Tree Planting API Providers


Upon starting this project, our team was very aware that the tree-planting industry has been tainted with multiple examples of greenwashing. With that in mind, we started our evaluation of tree planting API providers with a set of criteria in mind. We discovered quickly that there are many options available, and through a narrowing process we ended up shortlisting three for comparison: More:Trees, Digital Humani and The Good API.


For comparing these different options, we established a few important criteria:

Based on these criteria, Digital Humani stood out as the strongest contender

Additionally, they have some other benefits outside of our criteria such as being able to get certificates for trees planted if the project partner is OneTreePlanted, and they are a registered charity in Canada.


Development of the Tree Planting API with Sage X3


Having decided on the API provider we began to familiarise ourselves with their API, running tests of tree planting manually to ensure we understood the technology and process using the sandbox.  Once we were satisfied that the API would be appropriate for our use case we began the process of creating the Sage X3 integration. 

After discussions with the internal team at Mysoft, we decided it was best to calculate the number of trees to be planted based on what was invoiced, so when we succeed as a company the environment succeeds too. For invoices, we came up with three different options for the criteria – total invoice value, quantity of certain products, and value of certain products. We also decided to include formula fields to give us more flexibility on what triggers the tree planting. We already, at this stage, had it in mind that other Sage X3 users might be interested in this API; so we specified it with the flexibility for both Mysoft and the potential other businesses. Once this decision was taken, we set to work on the development tasks to make it happen. 

The goal was to amend as little of standard X3 as possible to help keep the integration simple – making it easy to roll out and support.


The Complete Solution; From Sage X3 to Tree Planting


At the end of Phase 1, our solution has 4 new Sage X3 functions: Projects, Campaigns, Campaign Groups, and Process Tree Planting:


API Projects

Digital Humani Project imported into Sage X3


Projects is a simple table view that imports all the tree-planting projects currently available via Digital Humani from the list of providers; the projects are tied to a planting partner and a location round the globe – giving people the choice of where to plant and with whom.




Tree Planting Campaigns & Groups

API Campaign

Tree planting campaigns

The campaign screen includes all the criteria for planting 1 tree. We can set the sales-to-planting ratio here, for example, 0.1 of a quantity will plant 10 trees for every 1 unit.

All campaigns are tied to a planting project with Digital Humani.

Campaigns are organised into Campaign Groups which are applied to the customer.



Tree Planting Triggers

Tree planting requests are generated when a new sales invoice has been created where the customer has a campaign group defined. The number of trees to plant gets updated if the invoice is modified up until the invoice is posted.


API PT Function

Manually process tree planting requests

Process Tree Planting Requests


Finally, we have to plant the trees. For this, we use our Press Tree Planting function. This is a simple tick box with an ‘OK’ button to process all outstanding tree-planting requests.

Typically, this will run on the X3 Batch Server (Scheduler) and will not need to be run manually but is useful to have the option to run it manually from the menu. We created a Batch Task that processes all planting requests at the end of the day.


Digital Humani Dashboard


The dashboard created by Digital Humani is a great place to view all the planting done so far. In this example, you can see two days where we pushed a bulk set of manual plant requests. 

API Dashboard


Mysoft’s Future with Tree Planting


Having built the integration, and proven that it works, we have begun to appreciate the potential for this solution. There are approximately 7,000 Sage X3 sites around the world today; if one in ten sites installed this and set the API up, we would have added another 700 companies to the tree planting project. If each of these planted 1,000 trees per year, we could plant 700,000 trees per year via Sage X3! The potential for this solution to scale and affect meaningful change in the world is startling. 

If you use a Sage X3 and are interested in using our Tree-API, please get in touch and we will gladly make it available to you. 

Mysoft looks forward to growing together with you!

We are thrilled to unveil our newest team at Mysoft, dedicated to the noble cause of sustainability and environmental responsibility.


Meet the Mysoft TREE Initiative Team, Taking Responsibility for the Earth & the Environment, the passionate group of individuals committed to making a positive impact on our planet and integrating sustainable practices into the world of ERP.

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With environmental challenges becoming more pressing than ever, it is imperative for organisations to actively address sustainability. At Mysoft, we firmly believe that sustainability is not just an option but a responsibility. Our team is all about fostering meaningful discussions, driving change, and championing eco-friendly initiatives within the ERP industry.

What can you expect from the Mysoft TREE Initiative Team?

1. Insightful Conversations: We will be facilitating thought-provoking discussions around sustainability and its crucial role in ERP. From highlighting best practices to sharing innovative solutions, we aim to inspire and educate our network on how to create a greener, more sustainable future.

2. Collaboration and Partnerships: We understand that addressing global environmental challenges requires collective efforts. Mysoft TREE will actively seek collaborations and partnerships with like-minded organisations, industry experts, and sustainability influencers to amplify our impact and drive meaningful change.

3. Thought Leadership: As pioneers in the ERP industry, we recognize the power of thought leadership. Mysoft TREE will share valuable insights, research findings, and case studies to encourage businesses and individuals to adopt sustainable practices and leverage ERP as a tool for environmental conservation.

Join us on this transformative journey towards a greener, more sustainable future! Let’s take responsibility for Earth and the environment!

Businesses change and develop over time, on their own and in response to changes around them. Enabling our customers to grow and evolve their business is at the heart of what we do, but as with most businesses, we haven’t taken a “step back” for a while to look at how the world sees us.


Back in 2005, when the doors of Mysoft opened for the first time, there was no way of knowing what the future might hold. Throughout this time, we have dedicated ourselves to evolving our team and developing them to become some of the most talented and knowledgeable Sage X3 experts in the UK.

In 2018, after 13 years with our original branding, we launched our first rebrand, which symbolised our mission to help businesses grow.

At the time, we did what we thought was right to stand out from the crowd, but we’ve outgrown our old image. We’ve been learning and listening, and we recognise that as the technology landscape changes, so do our customer expectations and needs. We decided it was time for us to make a few changes of our own

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As part of our evolution, we have refreshed our brand a little. This new branding reflects our streamlined business and the flow of knowledge between us and our customers.

We have stripped things back to get to the nitty-gritty of what Mysoft is really about –simplifying business, maximising performance and driving efficiency. We want to help your business flow, enable you to take the driving seat and equip you with the tools you need to take your business to new heights.

We want to convey things efficiently, clearly, and in a way that is easy to understand, with a real focus on inclusivity and accessibility.

We have taken steps to enhance the accessibility of our website, making it even easier for our users to navigate and find the information that they require.


While the future of technology is unknown, we know that the team at Mysoft will continue to excel in their knowledge of Sage X3, as the longest-standing Sage X3 Business Partner in the UK. We have dedicated the last 18 years to being ERP experts and bringing excellence to our Sage X3 projects. There is no plan on changing these priorities any time soon.

We are doubling down on our investment in Sage X3, with the ongoing development of our AP automation and Document management solution, X3CloudDocs, and continuing to grow our team.

We can’t wait to continue on this journey of evolution together with our customers.

We have been very busy at Mysoft over the last 12 months. Each year brings challenges, opportunities, and successes.

We have so much to be proud of; fundraising, customer success stories, as well as running our degree apprenticeship program and many more.  Reaching fifty employees is of course one that resonates.

When you start a business you have ambition, aspirations, targets and dreams- but the start-up phase contains many moving parts, the scale-up phase even more. For most businesses, this is a slow and treacherous journey, building little by little, creating and then recreating each step of the way. The learning and growing never stop, the challenges change but they never go away. To watch what you have created grow makes me proud, but more importantly very proud of what our fantastic team has collectively achieved. The core Mysoft values agreed on day one remain – look after your staff and deliver happy referenceable customer sites. Long may it continue and a massive thank you to everybody at Mysoft for allowing us to have had such a productive and successful year”.

– Chris Schafer, Managing Director

In January, we launched our Apprenticeships hub on the Mysoft website, which features the stories of our apprentices Bria and Lydia. Since then, we have grown our apprentice team, working with Pareto Law and Portsmouth University to help nurture young talent in the industry.

The environment at Mysoft is one that encourages optimal potential in our staff, with fantastic opportunities to build a career and a clear learning journey. If you’re interested in embarking on an apprenticeship with the team here at Mysoft, send us an email at

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In March, Mysoft fundraised for the Disasters Emergency Committee, who were working to meet the immediate needs of all people fleeing in Ukraine with food, water and medical assistance, protection and trauma care.

We raised £550, which could provide emergency food for 10 families for one month, and blankets for four families to keep them warm. Sage matched our final donation amount, which provided even further aid for those in need. We’re proud to have partnered with an organisation that values fundraising and feels strongly about supporting the lives of civilians across the country in intense times of conflict.


In April, we held our first in-person customer event in almost three years, welcoming our customers and partners to G-Live in Guildford to reconnect and share our latest news and updates.

We were joined by our partners, Prophix and ZAP, who ran roundtable sessions to showcase their solutions, as well as the team from Sage, who shared with us the latest roadmap and product updates. Eight of our fantastic Mysoft consultants ran a ‘Repair Shop’ session, to provide our customers with guidance and advice on all aspects of Sage X3 systems and business procedures.

We were also joined by the developers of X3CloudDocs, a cloud-based document management solution written by Mysoft, to share some very exciting news about their latest module release ‘Workflow’, an enhanced email and authorisation module for Sage X3.

Our customer days are an opportunity for the Mysoft customer and partner community to get together, network, catch up on the latest roadmap readout from Sage and of course, enjoy some cake!

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In May, Sage launched their new branding to reflect the changing needs of its customers. The new brand represents a new way of doing business, a way which focuses on simplicity and flow with the aim to help businesses grow.

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Here at Mysoft, enabling customers to grow their business has always been our key priority. That is one of the reasons why we were so excited to have been able to see the new Sage branding come to life for the very first time at the Sage Partner Summit…

In June, the Mysoft team attended the Sage Partner Summit in Dallas, Texas, to exhibit our automation solution, X3CloudDocs. As one of the most anticipated events in the Sage community, Sage brought us all together for the first in-person event in two years, to ‘Build Connect Deliver’.

We were proud to showcase X3CloudDocs as a silver sponsor at the Partner Summit, with the opportunity to connect with other partners searching for a cutting-edge automation solution that tackles common Sage X3 challenges. Over the course of the four days, partners were enlightened, inspired, and entertained, all whilst seeing the new Sage branding in action for the very first time.

Sage Summit left our team, and the rest of the community, feeling invigorated with new energy and ideas for the future!

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In July, we published our success story with Radius to mark the successful ongoing relationship between our teams. Radius Payment Solutions selected Mysoft to implement Sage X3 as a replacement for Sage 200, having outgrown the system capabilities of Sage 200 and requiring a solution with maximum flexibility to support future expansion. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Radius for many more years to come!

In August, we celebrated a landmark moment as our Support Supervisor, Sean Hewson, celebrated his 10-year work anniversary at Mysoft. Sean started working with Sage X3 in 2005, and has supported Mysoft customers since 2012. We would like to thank Sean for his devoted and committed work ethic, and look forward to his continued service in the coming years!

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In October, the Mysoft team were challenged with creating a pumpkin work of art! With points awarded for execution, skill and originality, our team went to town, creating some magnificent masterpieces.


In early November, the Mysoft consultants well and truly stole the show by taking over for our virtual customer day. The afternoon was focused on sessions designed to equip our customers with the latest tips, tricks and knowledge to optimise their Sage X3 solution.

We couldn’t have done it without our guests from Nectari., Gareth & Guy, and Martin from Sage who gave brilliant presentations on the latest news and updates for Sage X3 users.

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At the end of November, the Sage FY22 results were published, displaying another hugely successful year for Sage and the amazing contribution of the global partner community. Mysoft is proud to have been a Sage partner for 14 years, delivering ERP systems to help businesses around the world grow and thrive.

We also observed an employee milestone by reaching fifty marvellous Mysoft employees!

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We attended the Sage Kick-Off event at Twickenham Stadium, to celebrate a year of hard work and see what is in store for 2023.

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At the event, it was announced that Mysoft closed the biggest Sage X3 deal of FY22 for Sage UK. What an amazing way to end the year. In true Mysoft fashion, we rang our mighty Mysoft bell to celebrate this achievement and a year of hard work from our team.

Chris Bell

As a highly flexible solution that can see significant ROI, X3 provides benefits for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Although Sage is known for small-mid market customers, it has been great to see Enterprise customers continuing to come on board with X3.

A big congratulations to the whole Mysoft team on another fantastic year! On to 2023!

For the first time in almost three years, we were able to welcome our customers in-person to our bi-annual Mysoft Customer Day.

After eagerly awaiting the first opportunity to hold an in-person event after restrictions to gatherings over the last two and a half years, the time finally came for us to re-connect with our customers and partners face to face. We held the event at G-Live in Guildford and were joined by a number of people from Sage and two of our fantastic Partners, Prophix and ZAP.

The day kicked off with a brief welcome presentation from Chris Schafer, Mysoft’s Managing Director, who provided everyone with an update on all of the recent advancements and exciting changes here at Mysoft, as well as what we plan to do as a company in the near future.

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Becky Smith from Sage was our first guest speaker, giving a fantastic overview of the most recent Sage roadmap. She gave a comprehensive presentation on enhancements to existing areas of the system (such as legislation frameworks), and the new “Mobile Automation” functionality in the tool today and coming down-the-road.

For our existing Sage X3 customers who are using different versions of X3, the roadmap session is always a popular and very interesting topic at our customer days. Becky showed not only the specific functional changes, but also the longer-term strategic roadmap.  Becky also emphasised how important it is for Sage to listen to customers and partners to optimise a solution that directly meets the needs of product-centric businesses.

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We had the opportunity to collect feedback from our guests after our previous customer day, which helped us to determine which components of the day were the most valuable to them. As a result, the day was divided into five ’roundtable’ sessions, each with its own topic. Our guests had the option to choose whichever sessions were of most interest to them prior to the event, allowing us to create their own personalised agendas for the day.

The sessions were as follows:

We were thrilled to be joined by Tariq Hara from Sage, who ran a roundtable session on Sage X3 in the Cloud. Tariq covered the benefits of hosting Sage X3 in the cloud, the potential risks of not using a cloud environment and how Sage can help with the process of moving to the cloud. There was a lot of interest in this, and lively discussion from traditional on-premise, privately-hosted, and cloud-native customers alike.

Kasper Abild, Bruce French and Antony Haslett joined us from Prophix, to run a roundtable session around their latest campaign ‘Let Go Of The Retro’. Prophix helps businesses take their budgeting, forecasting and business planning to the next level with Corporate Performance Management for Sage X3.  Discussions and light demos took place, with a lot of common ground between customers looking at CPM in-light of the changes over the last 2 years and the economic uncertainty ahead.

Rohit Kanwara and Harry Singh from ZAP ran a roundtable session on data management and analysis.  Not all businesses view reporting, business intelligence and data in the same way; and the key take away from this session was probably that it’s a journey – one that never stops, reiterating and recycling best practice as the business (and business environment) changes.

8 of our fantastic Mysoft consultants ran a ‘Repair Shop’ session, to provide our customers with guidance and advice on all aspects of Sage X3 systems and business procedures. This table (as would be expected with 8 consultants) roamed from Making Tax Digital (MTD) to warehouse management to sales forecasting; with plenty of ground covered it highlighted the strength of the X3 toolset to address so many business needs.

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Our Sales & Marketing Director, Jamie Watts, also ran a session highlighting the services that Mysoft offer, to encourage our customers to optimise the use of Sage X3 within their businesses, with the help of our very own experts here at Mysoft. This roundtable focused on the real-world experiences of how our customers are using our services today and how other customers can do the same (systems audits, performance tuning, regular structured consultancy, etc.).

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We were also joined by the developers of X3CloudDocs, a cloud-based document management solution, to share some very exciting news about their latest module release ‘Workflow’. X3CloudDocs Workflow is an enhanced email and authorisation module for Sage X3 standard workflow and batch tasks.

Naturally, the day wouldn’t be complete without a bit of cake and some goodies for everyone to take home.

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Our customer days are an opportunity for the Mysoft customer community to get together and network, catch up on the latest roadmap readout from Sage and to see what some of the Sage ecosystem of software can offer.

We couldn’t have done it without our incredible partners, so a huge thank you to ZAP and Prophix for joining us and running such informative roundtable sessions.

Last but not least, thank you to our customer Trafalgar Entertainment for providing us with a lovely venue for the day – G-Live’s Glass Room provided a light and vibrant atmosphere for our guests to meet and renew old acquaintances.

If you attended the event and have any feedback for the day, please send an email to

We can’t wait to do it again soon, so keep an eye out for news of our next customer day which will be held virtually. (don’t worry, we’re planning the next in-person one too!)

Find out more:

Pareto Law is a UK-based sales recruitment and training company focused on matching aspiring talent to positions that allow them to excel.


They have played a fundamental role in building the team here at Mysoft, with some of our most senior members of the team joining us from recruitment with Pareto Law.

Chris Schafer, our Managing Director, has had a dialogue with Pareto Law for the past five years. We spoke with him about his decision to use an agency like Pareto Law and why it’s important to Mysoft to recruit apprentices and graduates.


How did you first hear about Pareto Law?

Two of our previous recruits had been through the Pareto process (Jamie, our Sales and Marketing Director, and Emma, one of our Account Managers) at the inception of their careers. The quality of these recruits encouraged me to explore Pareto in more detail.


Why did Mysoft choose to work with Pareto Law?

Pareto have a very professional approach. Their model is tried and tested and if you, as the client, have the right infrastructure to support the candidates it makes a lot of sense. One of the major challenges when scaling your business is recruitment, not just finding individuals but having a strategic people plan. You cannot simply employ more and more expensive, seasoned professionals. You have to also have a nursery system to feed junior staff at the beginning of their career journey. This is essentially what Pareto offer.


Can you explain the process of recruiting with Pareto Law?

We had a series of initial discussions with consultants at Pareto about the various options they provide. The apprentice option was explained well by Preto and fitted our requirements for bright, young human beings who are hungry for a challenge.


How did you find the process of recruiting with Pareto Law?

It was efficient, they responded quickly and found a small number of good candidates. The real benefit for the client is pre-screening, which takes much of the hard work out of the recruitment process.


Why is it that Mysoft are choosing to work with graduates/apprentices?

Nurturing young talent is very important to Mysoft, bringing on graduates/apprentices gives us the opportunity to take just the raw ingredients and then provide the training and framework for individuals to flourish and grow. Every business needs young, fresh talent – it forms a critical part of the workforce. Also, the government currently provide some excellent financial incentives to businesses like Mysoft take on apprentices. The candidates also get the benefit of the apprenticeship training.


Check out the Government Apprenticeship website for more information.

Meet our current Project Management apprentices from Portsmouth University, Bria and Lydia, and find out more about their journey as apprentices at Mysoft.

“Our mission is to empower people and businesses worldwide to unleash their potential.”

Pareto Team, Pareto Law

I caught up with Richard for the anniversary of his first year at Mysoft to find out a little more about his experience with Sage X3 and his time so far at Mysoft.

Richard joined Mysoft in October 2020 as part of our ever-growing Consultancy team.

Having had around 17 years’ experience working at Sage, and five years’ experience with Sage X3, he has been an extremely valuable addition to our team.

Richard Aird Photo

Could you summarise your career at Sage?

“I spent almost 17 years working at Sage starting my journey, as many do, in Sage 50 support way back in 2003. This experience provided a good foundation for me to begin to understand how businesses work and start to develop key skills like troubleshooting, thinking laterally, structured analysis, communicating precisely and clearly etc. This was the early 2000s, so we couldn’t simply run a remote session to see a problem like we would today. It took methodical, clear questioning to resolve an issue, which was a really good learning experience.”

“However, very few people want to spend their entire career delivering telephone-based support and I was always keen to progress onto more complex software solutions, so when my wife and I moved London, I transferred to the Sage office near Reading and into the world of enterprise level software working with Line 500 and Sage 1000.”

“I spent 10 years working with these products in various roles, after a few years in support I moved to R&D to be a Business Analyst (Product Owner would probably be a better term), where I learnt more about scoping and delivering projects, developing requirements and producing quality documentation. My final role was as Product Manager for Sage 1000 which provided different challenges from managing team expectations, communicating at a high level with customers and partners (sometimes delivering difficult messages), and becoming far more involved in commercial and strategic decisions.”

“I transitioned to Sage X3 in March 2016 so I’ve been learning the system for roughly 5 and a half years. I still learn something new most weeks…”

In your opinion, what has been your most notable Sage X3 project so far?

“We had an ‘off-track’ project with a customer where, for various reasons, the project ended up being below the standard we would’ve liked with strained customer relations and a tight go-live deadline. Working closely with an excellent Project Manager, we were able to ‘reset’ the project, by getting back to the fundamentals of prioritising key tasks and agreeing a sensible scope, building trust with the customer and improving the quality of the solution. Rescue projects can be quite satisfying in the end.”

What do you like most about Sage X3 as a solution?

“I see Sage X3 as a toolkit or a functional framework. So, although it can work out of the box and be standardised, it has amazing flexibility, and once one understands the concepts and how the configuration can be manipulated, it becomes a powerful beast (but also much less scary).”

What does a standard day at Mysoft look like for you?

“Typically, I’m booked to work with a customers 3 to 4 days each week, that could be for anything from scoping the introduction of a new piece of functionality or configuring the system to an agreed scope, to designing a new SEI data model for reporting or helping load data into the system, it’s very varied.”

“Over the past year I’ve spent a lot of time working with customers to ensure their systems are setup correctly for VAT and that they’re utilising the many Sage X3 functional enhancements, delivered to ensure compliance with Making Tax Digital. Additionally, as many of our customers import from and export to the EU, post-Brexit, I’ve become a lot more familiar than I ever expected to with EORI codes, Incoterms, Postponed VAT accounting, deferred tax, the CHIEF service etc…”

Why did you choose to join the Mysoft team?

“I was aware of the Mysoft back story, of being early adopters of Sage X3 in the UK, and knowing that they had the expertise that went along with that experience, so they were always one of the first Sage resellers that came to mind when thinking where my future lay. Once I had an initial conversation with the Consultancy team manager, Steve Higgins, it was clear that were also aligned culturally around an ethos of collaboration, knowledge sharing and looking out for one another. Additionally, although we all work hard, we retain a good work life balance that allows each of us the space and flexibility we need to deliver quality work.”

It’s not all hard work…

“My wife and I had our first child (a boy) last year so we decided to return to our native north east and having recently made the move there hasn’t been a lot of time for my normal hobbies and activities.”

“I’m a keen cyclist so I’m eventually looking forward to rediscovering the Northumberland countryside on two wheels. Whilst living in London my wife I enjoyed paddle-boarding on the Thames and we’re hoping to buy a house by the sea so we can continue to enjoy that pastime. We will need to invest in some quality neoprene wetsuits to cope with the different climate and water conditions!”

Find out more: 

This Halloween, the team at Mysoft have been raising money for the Huni Kuin Project, by carving pumpkins and baking cakes.

Our office Manager, Ellie Wrenn, spent some time putting together a ‘Halloween Howler’ competition for the whole team at Mysoft, in order to raise funds for our chosen charity, the Huni Kuin Project.

In Ellie’s words: “It’s about time we had a little bit of healthy competition in the office!”.

The team were given three options:

1. Pumpkin Carving: simply carve a pumpkin and send a photo of the completed specimen. Scoring will be based on originality, execution and skill level.

2. Pumpkin Bake Off: using the pulp you extract from your pumpkin, create an edible dish and give it a ghoulish name. Scoring will be based on originality, fun factor and name.

3. Judging: if you’re neither artistic or good in the kitchen, join the fun by judging!

Take a look at some of our talented team’s pumpkins below:


Here are the bakes:

(From left to right- Satan’s Suppurating Sepsis Seeds, salted caramel toasted pumpkin seed brittle. ChoccaHorror, a chocolate pumpkin cake and last but not least, a roasted pumpkin and chickpea curry surprise).


The Huni Kuin are one of several indigenous tribes trying to save the Amazon, but also their own existence in the face of persecution. They have, in recent years, started to connect with the west for help to reach out, but also for sharing their own ancient knowledge about the healing power of plants and social cohesion.

The project is dedicated to protecting 16,000 hectares of forest in Jordão, Brazil, by enabling the Huni Kuin tribe to buy the land and establish a protected home for both themselves and other uncontacted groups.

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Unfortunately, the history of the Huni Kuin is marked by great suffering, which begins with the first contact with Western civilization about a century ago and continues to this day: at that time, they suffered forced labour, displacement and genocide. Today, it is mainly racism, poverty and human greed that threaten their lives and destroy their habitat. More and more pieces of forest are becoming victims of fire or are being cut down to make room for cattle and soy plantations.”

One solution to save themselves and the forest is to acquire their own land. This is unusual, because indigenous peoples do not normally have private land ownership. The Huni Kuin do: they are one of the first indigenous Amazon peoples to have already purchased their own land. The Huni Kuin want to continue with this. By acquiring it, they are strengthening the association of indigenous territories that exist in the region.”

Learn more about the Huni Kuin Project here.

We are thrilled to announce that the team were able to raise £120.00 for the project.

Bria and Lydia are our latest degree apprenticeship recruits, studying with the University of Portsmouth to earn a Level 6 Project Management Qualification. They are working within the Project Management team, assisting the day-to-day running of the department and working with our customers.


To find out what it’s really like to be an apprentice at Mysoft, we asked Bria and Lydia for their own thoughts:

Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship?

B: I wanted to be able to learn and start my career at the same time to boost my career progression. I am also a practical and visual learner, and I wanted to be able to apply my knowledge directly from the degree to real work situations.

L: I was looking specifically for a job that involved a certain level of training and development as I value the opportunity for further learning to increase my skills and confidence. Being able to apply the learning in-situ really aids my understanding of the theory.


How has the experience been so far as an apprentice at Mysoft?

B: Really good. I’ve had a great support system from the start which has enabled me to understand the ins and outs of project management. I’ve been able to gain an understanding of Mysoft activities, to the point where I can suggest improvements to processes. I’ve been given the responsibility of my own projects, and had support all the way through.

L: From day one, Mysoft have been very welcoming and supportive. I have been made to feel that my contribution is valued and appreciated.


What has been the best part of the apprenticeship so far?

B: Starting my first project.

L: Joining a new team and learning from their experience.


What has been the most challenging part of the apprenticeship so far?

B: Completing my first university written assignment.

L: Completing university group assignments virtually due to lockdown.


Do you have any advice for people who are considering an apprenticeship?

B: Look into how you learn best and what is right for you. The apprenticeship has been a great start to accelerating my career and gives you the opportunity to learn from industry professionals whilst gaining a qualification. The apprenticeship route is not the easiest route, as it’s a dedication of time and commitment, but the benefits of putting hard work in are absolutely worth it.

L: The apprenticeship will often include assignments and coursework so be prepared to dedicate extra time to ensure that these are produced to the very best of your ability. These will aid your development towards your final goal.


Find out more about apprenticeships with Mysoft here.

We are very pleased to announce that our new product, X3CloudDocs, is now listed on Sage Marketplace.

Designed to complement Sage X3, X3CloudDocs is an official, Sage verified invoicing App.

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Sage Marketplace enables businesses to customise their Sage experience with cloud-based Apps that work perfectly with existing solutions from day one. Sage Marketplace was launched in February 2020 and is now home to a curated selection of Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) showcasing popular Apps that link to Sage Business Cloud solutions.

As the developer and parent company to X3CloudDocs, Mysoft is delighted to be entering this ecosystem to sit alongside some of our own industry-leading partners such as Sage Data & Analytics and Prophix. This development allows millions of Sage users to access X3CloudDocs and the efficiency benefits it has to offer. It has the capability to transform Finance teams globally across the Sage X3 landscape.

A simple implementation gives a Finance Departments the ability to automate their Accounts Payable (AP) invoice process, reducing manual entry by up to 90%. The intelligent technology allows businesses to experience exponential time and cost savings through automation. User manuals and installation details provided upon purchase give users the ability to self-serve which illustrates its easy-to-use functionality.

Find out more about X3CloudDocs here.

Brian Martin, X3CloudDocs’ Product Author, said “Joining Sage Marketplace with a Sage X3-focussed product that concentrates on digital efficiency and automation is something we have always wanted to achieve. Partnering with Sage adds to our credibility and gives Sage X3 users confidence in us as a business. This opportunity opens up access to an ecosystem that will help our business grow.”

Having been a trusted Sage partner for over 15 years, Mysoft were able to expedite the process of joining Sage Marketplace. In fact, Mysoft is the first UK Sage X3 partner to bring a Sage X3 specific App to the platform. Mysoft’s 250 cumulative years of experience has enabled X3CloudDocs to pass rigorous technical, functional and security testing. It’s a major achievement and not one that Sage award easily.

The Mysoft team are proud to reach this fantastic milestone and look forward to further developing the capabilities of X3CloudDocs.

Find Out More:

After the uncertainty of 2020 there appears to be a much more promising outlook to 2021 once the roll out of the COVID vaccine has been achieved.

At Mysoft we are predicting a year of business transformation.

The combination of economic constraints imposed by COVID and the lack of clarity around BREXIT stifled many businesses in 2020, while also creating vast opportunity for growth, consolidation and transformation in the 2021. We noted a significant shift from physical retail to online retail as a result of ‘lockdowns’, remote working driving automation and collaboration, the pace of business increased with 24/7 emails and ‘Just in Time’ operations becoming more prevalent. 2021 will, hopefully, provide a far more stable base for businesses looking to improve processes, grow and become leaner – and Mysoft looks forward to joining our customers on their journeys. There is no immediate respite from the physical limitations on the COVID lockdowns, but most businesses have now successfully achieved a transition to hybrid-remote working; the year ahead will allow this switch to begin to transform wider business practices too.

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The 1st Jan 2021 appeared with a whisper, BREXIT seeming to have had little significant impact immediately despite many concerns.  Mysoft customers have started to get in touch, now there is a clearer set of changes for businesses, to configure their Sage X3 systems to meet the requirements they have identified.  As every business is different Mysoft cannot be experts in what BREXIT means for your business, but we are experts making ERP systems reflect business need and will be very happy to assist in helping you bring your X3 system in line with the new guidelines.

For those businesses not yet sure of what you need to do there is lots of information available from the Government and the likes of Sage:

Once you understand what BREXIT means for your business Mysoft can help you to configure the system to be compatible with these new requirements. Just get in touch!

2021 will be the Year of the Ox; we are expecting a bullish year ahead with growth, investment, and confidence in the wake of the more turbulent months recently past. We will continue to support our customers in moving their operations to remote, or hybrid-remote, with the operational benefits of a disparate workforce. Mysoft will be focusing on Digital Transformation in all aspects of business, from automating finance to supply-chain enhancements to cloud computing, and we are excited to be sharing the next year with you.

Find Out More:

Mysoft is very pleased to announce that Marc Dennis has joined the development team, bringing with him years of far-reaching Sage X3 experience.

Marc began working with X3 back when it was still owned by Adonix and has played a vital role in introducing Sage X3 to the wider world.

Marc’s career has always been heavily focussed on software development, making him a very valued and experienced member of the Mysoft team.

Sage X3 Experience

Marc has been heavily involved with the development of X3 since 2001, before it was taken over by Sage in 2005. During the early years he also worked closely with Chris Schafer, Brendan Kirby, and David Frith, among other Sage X3 legends.

Marc specialises in bespoke development of Sage X3. He is also a bit of a whizz in the training of web services and development arts. A key part of Marc’s Sage X3 career has been focussed on educating the surrounding Sage environment, as well as providing a helping hand on international Sage X3 projects. His work with Sage X3 has taken him all over the world including France, Germany, Poland, Russia, South Africa, and of course, the UK.

We asked Marc what he liked most about Sage X3 as a solution: “X3 is a complex and, in turn, very flexible solution in what it can do. By and large, Sage X3 can cope with almost every situation a customer is likely to come across.”

A highlight for Marc has been his ability to help people from around the globe in the Sage X3 technical environment. Over the years he has passed on his knowledge, helping to achieve the impressive Sage X3 solution we know today.

Why Join Mysoft?

In previous roles and projects, Marc has worked closely with many of the Mysoft team members. In the past, David Frith and Marc have capitalised on their extensive Sage X3 knowledge, bounced ideas off one another, and created the perfect solution for a number of customers.

Marc comments, “Having worked with a large number of the team, I know the background of the company and I feel that the ethos of Mysoft fits well with my own.”

It’s Not All Hard Work

When Marc isn’t hard at work, he can be found volunteering at the Mid Hants Railway helping to maintain and install the signalling for a fleet of steam locomotives. The railway runs the full 10 miles between the market towns of Alresford and Alton, preserving an important piece of 1940’s – 70’s railway heritage.

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Find Out More:

On your marks, get set, BAKE!

As always, The Great Mysoft Virtual Bake-Off was set to be a competitive occasion, even with the unusual circumstances.

Due to the difficulties of attaining exactly the right ingredients at the moment, this was no traditional bake off. Participants were given the theme of ‘Anything You Would Find at a Picnic’ which was considerably broader than previous bake-off themes. Being a virtual competition, entries were to be photographed and then judged on the following:

In true Mysoft spirit, the team leapt into action to produce some wonderful food. During this uncertain period, it is important that we pull together as a close network, support one another, and remember that there is always something to smile about.

In the same sentiments, and like many other businesses, we have been running a Mysoft quiz every Friday afternoon to boost morale and keep our brains active! It creates a real positive end to what is usually a busy week for all.

The virtual bake-off included some traditional entries – scotch eggs, sausage rolls and quiche…

bake off A

bake off B1

And some a little more unusual – pesto quinoa with a Greek salad, and a selection of ales (Not strictly baking but we allowed it for comedic value!)

bake off C1

bake off D

The team scored each entry and the results were in!





Brendan Kirby

A summer picnic comprised of homemade elderflower cordial, homemade bread, a tomato and buffalo mozzarella platter, and a red onion salad


Amy Paterson

Spiced Hummingbird Cake with zesty orange crean cheese frosting and (mostly) edible flowers for decoration


Lucy Robson

(Previous Bake-Off winner)

A traditional picnic with smoked salmon, cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches; roast beef, horseradish and rocket sandwiches; a garnish of asparagus, crisps and sweeties and lashings of Prosecco!
1  bake off G1  bake off H
2  bake off E3  bake off F

It’s clear to see that all of the entries were carefully executed and all tasty in their own way. The top three were deserved winners and the Mysoft Bake-Off wooden spoon trophy will be making it’s way to Brendan when we can resume normality in the office.

Find Out More: 


Given last week’s announcement from the UK government, with regards to the ongoing efforts to contain and manage the COVID-19 pandemic while balancing economic re-opening of the country, Mysoft have been considering the impact of this pandemic on the operations of our business and the business of our customers.

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Mysoft has a diverse portfolio of customers operating in a variety of business sectors from tourism to pharmaceuticals, service to manufacturing, and as such has been exposed to the varying impacts of the pandemic.  Beyond the overarching business climate and macro-economic pressures on these businesses, there are also other factor. These include how well equipped they were for working remotely (laptops, infrastructure, etc.), how their suppliers reacted and adapted (such as Mysoft), and their business flexibility to re-focus or re-establish supply chains and business operations.

Over the preceding weeks to this latest announcement, Mysoft has shifted to a complete remote delivery model. We are proving all support and services on a remote basis. We have been utilising teleconferencing technology to run workshops and scoping sessions, delivering upgrades, new projects and bespoke customisation, and providing training.  There have been the self-evident challenges of body language, non-verbal communication and technology (contention, latency, etc) which all businesses and individuals have encountered over recent weeks. However, this switch has been a resounding success.

There is now an outline of a timeline for the reduction of social controls around COVID-19 which clearly shows an extended process of physical distancing between individuals. This will continue to impact businesses (like our customers) over the coming months. Which leads us to the question,  “With regards to ERP systems, what can and cannot be achieved remotely?”.

In subsequent articles on this topic we will look at the adaptations to the standard process of selecting an ERP system or delivery partner in the current circumstances. We will cover the optimisation of professional service delivery and the impacts this will have on businesses as we progress out of the current phase of these control measures.

Find Out More:

On the 28th March 2020, a woman called Olivia Strong set up an Instagram account called ‘Run for Heroes’.

This was created in an effort to help raise money for NHS workers and volunteers who are on the front line and behind the scenes caring for those suffering with coronavirus.

She created a challenge in which you run 5km, donate £5 to NHS Charities Together and nominate 5 friends to do the same. In a matter of days this concept went viral. With the help of Instagram and a few famous faces the target of £5,000 was hit in just four days. The new target was bumped up to £5million!

Of course, these activities all need to be carried out whilst adhering to the Government and NHS guidelines but are easily achievable nonetheless! And there is always the option of walking the 5km, or running part of it, or even completing it inside your own home.

Marketing Assistant, Amy Paterson, challenged the whole Mysoft team to complete the 5km in any way they could in order to be a part of a fantastic cause. All proceeds that are going to NHS Charities Together will be supporting NHS workers and volunteers. The money will be:

  1. Funding well-being packs for staff and volunteers on wards/departments
  2. Covering costs of travel, parking, accommodation for NHS staff and volunteer’s Volunteer expenses
  3. Other items as requested by NHS Charities that enhance the well-being of NHS staff and volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients.

Run for Heroes

The Mysoft team took no time getting stuck in to do their bit over the past week! There was a mixture of running, walking and cycling. Some completed it with their families and some roughed it alone in the hot sun. Not only will the donations be helping the UK’s heroes, but the positive energy brought on by exercising will help all those involved to keeping pushing through this difficult lockdown period and save lives.

Mysoft Run for Heroes Board

Brendan Kirby5km run
Chris Schafer16.5 km family bike ride
Ellie Wrenn6.5km walk
Steph Wood5.8km run
Sue Symons5km walk with her daughter
Emma Weaving5km run
Amy Paterson5km run
Rosemary Weineck10km walk

Steph commented saying “It is nice to be able to contribute something positive during these very disturbing times. Acknowledging that the big picture is beyond our control is frightening so I’m trying to concentrate on things I can control and exercise has become my Corona vice!”

“Improving my fitness was on my list of things to achieve this year and I’m smashing it… and saving a fortune on gym membership, who knew?!”

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The view from Chris’s family bike ride

Emma echoed this sentiment, “I enjoyed the fresh air, the energy boost and endorphins that exercise brings. It felt great to get all that while also supporting such an amazing cause – thank you NHS”.

Rosemary enjoyed a beautiful sunny day and even discovered a local pond she didn’t know about!

Sue mentioned that she will be doing the same route again but with her husband in the hope of knocking some time off as daughter, Jasmine, took a leisurely pace, “We did a lovely circuit of our village from one end to the other, having to slow down every time we came to a hill – She’s only 19!”

Run for Heroes Sue

Sue and her daughter Jasmine on their walk

As I write this article, Run for Heroes has raised an amazing £5,223,696.14 for NHS Charities Together (I’m sure this will be far more by now)! Mysoft are very proud to call themselves a part of this and everyone is incredibly grateful for all the work the NHS are carrying out during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Well done team and a huge thank you to the NHS!

The Mysoft team are very pleased to announce the latest addition to our Consultancy team; David Frith.


David has extensive experience working with Sage X3, being one of the original Consultants that brought the solution over from France back in 2001, when it was still owned by Adonix.


Sage X3 Experience

David actually started working with what we now know as the Sage X3 team in 1998, when Adonix had purchased a manufacturing solution called Prodstar which later developed to become Sage X3.

David’s breadth of knowledge and experience of Sage X3 is unmatched. He implemented the very first UK X3 solution at a customer site in 2002 and then proceeded to travel the globe, training Sage resellers in how to use and implement the solution for their own customers. David was involved in Sage X3’s product launch in South Africa, the Middle East, Australia, Poland, Russia, and, of course, the UK.

Why Join Mysoft?

After so many years working with the solution we asked David what he likes most about Sage X3, “definitely its flexibility. The core product is written with such huge flexibility built in that it can be tailored to any business requirement. The technology is brilliant, you are able to modify the system without affecting the core and this is why it works so well for distribution and manufacturing companies.”

It’s a huge honour for Mysoft to be able to count David as one of our team members. When asked why he decided to join the Mysoft team David commented, “Mysoft have a team of people I have known and respected for a long time, having worked with some of them on Sage X3 for over 15 years now! I look forward to joining and working within a very knowledgeable and experienced Sage X3 team.”

It’s Not All Hard Work…

When David isn’t busy building a Sage X3 solution to match a business’s exact requirements… He is an avid car enthusiast, owning a 1972 Triumph Stag for which he carefully built his own new engine and is still driving today! He’s also been known to turn his mechanical hand to other vintage cars and even a vintage bus.


At the Sage FY20 Partner kick-off session, Mysoft were announced as the Sage Excellence Partner of the Year, 2019.


This award was delivered by Sage in recognition of Mysoft’s sales success and experience in delivering Sage X3.


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Mysoft’s Managing Director, Chris Schafer, collects the award from Sage MD, Sabby Gill and comedian Cally Beaton.

The first day of the Sage Partner Kick-Off FY20 rounded off with a great evening of laughter, good food, wonderful company and a successful Sage Awards Ceremony.

Four members of the Mysoft team attended the event, experiencing an insightful day of learning and networking with other fellow partners, and a breadth of Sage employees.


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Jamie with Mysoft’s Sage Partner Award andthe Mysoft Marketing Team


The day consisted of an introduction from Sabby Gill, Sage MD for UK & Ireland where he spoke about the importance of a customer-first strategy. Industry experts, each bringing their own set of specialist skills, led the afternoon with a choice of sessions each tailored to different departments within a partner organisation.

The founder of Love + London, Jessica Dante, gave an enlightening presentation about ‘How to use YouTube to Grow your Business’. Her personable nature and extensive amount of industry experience made the session enjoyable to listen to and the marketing team came away with some golden nuggets of knowledge!

Nicholas Cox, the Head of Event Production for The Manufacturer, gave a talk on Sage X3 Industry Viewpoints in Manufacturing. He spoke in depth about the challenges faced by the manufacturing industry today and how technology can help to increase efficiencies, while automation and smart factory technologies will be key to increasing productivity levels. Nicholas’s widespread knowledge in the area shone through, making for a very interesting and topical presentation.

The most poignant part of the day for Mysoft happened during the Awards Ceremony. During the second half of the awards, an award for Sales Excellence Partner of the Year was announced. Unbeknown to Mysoft, they had been nominated. Could this be their moment?

“And the winner is… Mysoft Ltd!”


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The Mysoft Team with their Sage Partner Award


The faces of the Mysoft team transformed into smiling shock, as they looked back and forth at one another, eyes wide. Managing Director, Chris Schafer, took to the stage on behalf of Mysoft to collect the award from Sage UK Managing Director, Sabby Gill. As always, Chris was cool, calm and collected in front of the room full of applause. The award is a great recognition of the team’s hard work over the past year and expert knowledge of Sage X3.

The team are very thankful to Sage for presenting Mysoft with the Sales Excellence Partner of the Year award. The event was not only a great way to network and learn, but also a time where Mysoft could show support for the Sage team and other partners that share the same roots and values. An all-round enjoyable and successful FY20 Kick-Off! #ThriveOn


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The Sage Partner Summit in Seville was a great chance to bring together Sage Enterprise Management partners, ISV’s and delegates from the Sage community.

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It was a very busy and valuable few days, filled with insights into the Sage Enterprise Management (Sage EM) product and opportunities to meet with experts from the partner ecosystem. As a Sage EM focussed Business Partner, we were pleased to see the event return to focus purely on the enterprise level product; with insights on sales, marketing and business development focussed in the enterprise space.

Read on for our key takeaways from the event.

Enterprise Management is Sage’s Biggest Opportunity

It was brilliant to catch up with Jennifer Warawa, EVP at Sage, prior to her keynote and welcome to the event. In her speech she highlighted Sage EM as being the biggest opportunity for Sage and that Sage will now be focussing on enterprise growth. The cloud presents the biggest opportunity with cloud solutions growing at 13% whereas on premise is only growing at 2% per year.

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Nick Goode, EVP at Sage, then spoke about their strategy for Sage EM and “winning with the product”. The strategic focus includes connected applications, lightning performance and customer first experiences. We were pleased to see Sage highlighting a customer first approach to the product development as well as launching “Sage Spotlight”, a programme for new customer references.

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Meeting and Greeting

The breakout sessions then provided valuable opportunities to meet with our ISV partners as well as learn about new product developments and hone our business skills. We caught up with our partners at Tangerine, as well as Datalinx, Fiscal, Prophix, Mapadoc and V1. It was interesting to see Sage addressing a key partner issue, the difficulty of recruiting in the Sage EM sphere, with the advice being to move focus to psychrometric testing rather than solely skills and experience.

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Selling with Noble Purpose

Day 2 kicked off with an inspiring keynote from Lisa Earle McLeod on selling with noble purpose, “sales people selling with noble purpose outperform sales people selling against targets by 350%”. She highlighted the need to focus on how the customer’s life is going to be different by doing business with you, and that the answer to that question should always be your purpose and your story.

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We then attended interesting sessions on growing your business through social media, the potential opportunity of e-Commerce in the distribution vertical and what the future of financial planning looks like. Sage also highlighted manufacturing to be a key area of growth, with Sage looking to expand the scope of their manufacturing technologies in order to keep up with the pace of advancements in the industry, such as 3D printing and bots. They will be looking at expanding the functionality of PLM and productions scheduler.

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WiFi and Battery Life More Important Than Food and Shelter

The third and final day of the event started with a focus on wider technology trends, that in our lives we are now more reliant on WiFi and battery life than we are food and shelter! Phil Carter, from IDC, then went on to speak about how winning in the new enterprise market would all be about delivering cloud driven digital transformation. Artificial intelligence is an important emerging trend, with it predicted that by 2021 90% of new packaged enterprise applications will have an embedded intelligent decision architecture.

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All in all the event showed Sage’s commitment to Sage Enterprise Management as their flagship solution, one that can win in many verticals and one that is being constantly developed to ensure that it is keeping up with the latest technological trends. It was also encouraging to see Sage’s focus on their customers, how customers should always be treated as prospects, as well as their Partners and how important they are in contributing to the success of the Sage ecosystem.

Time for Some Fun…

As with all these events there was, of course, time for some socialising and a bit of a laugh. The Mysoft team certainly made the most of a photo booth at one of the evening events…

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Find out more: 

It was fantastic to bring together our Sage X3 customers and partners for our event at The Shard.

The location made for a brilliant atmosphere and we had a rather good view from our meeting room.

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Sage People

The day kicked off with an engaging presentation from Sarah Andresen on People Science and Sage People. This included facts such as $450 – $550 billion a year is lost in the US due to disengaged employees and that only 36% of companies actually monitor employee engagement. It was clear that businesses are missing out on making the most of one of their biggest assets, their people, and that through a new approach to employee engagement with Sage People a whole host of hidden talents could be unlocked.

Sage X3 Roadmap

Next up it was Fabrice Alonso from Sage to present the future product roadmap for Sage X3. This is always a very interesting topic for our current Sage X3 customers who are on varying versions of X3. Fabrice showed the new look and feel of Sage X3 as well as emphasising their focus on listening to customers and partners in order to develop the solutions functionality in line with customer demand. Sage also showed the potential of Sage X3 which now boasts 4400+ customers globally.

Sage X3 Version 11

We then had Mysoft’s very own Pre-sales Consultant, Paul Mincer, demonstrating the new functionality in Version 11 of Sage X3. This includes enhanced personalisation based on user roles, a Salesforce connector, production scheduler, shop floor tracking and the new project management module. It was also great to see Sage X3 mobility features working on an iPad with a real world example, Paul raised a purchase order in X3 from a laptop and then showed the ability of that to be approved by a Manager, remotely, on an iPad. This shows Sage X3 keeping up with the modern way of flexible working, all linking back to Sarah Andersen’s points from the morning session on People Science and keeping your employees engaged through the ability to work flexibly.

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All in all it was a really positive event and one that Mysoft will now be running more regularly. If you missed out on this event but would like to be invited to our next sessions please get in touch and we can add you to our priority invite list.

Find out more: 

We talked to Viral to find out what he enjoys about being a Consultant and why he chose to work for Mysoft.

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The Mysoft Consultancy team, Viral is standing fourth from the left

Why Mysoft?

Viral has been with Mysoft for 4 years working in the Consultancy and Support departments. Before he joined the Support department, Viral had worked closely with Mysoft through his previous role so the decision to join the team was an easy one. Mysoft appealed to Viral due to their depth of knowledgeable and experience with Sage Enterprise Management. As a Sage Enterprise Management focussed Partner, Viral saw in Mysoft the perfect place to progress, learn and develop his Sage Enterprise skills.

When asked why he chose to join Mysoft Viral comments, “I found the people at Mysoft were all friendly, helpful and welcoming which made the move easier. I split my time between Support and Consultancy which I enjoy as I have the balance of both and am involved in the full cycle of a project from implementation, through to supporting the customer once they’ve gone live.”

Viral’s Role at Mysoft

Viral has developed his career at Mysoft from joining as a Support Analyst to now being a Sage Enterprise Management Consultant. As a Consultant he is involved in the solution’s implementation and also trains end-users to use the solution themselves.

When asked what he enjoys about his role Viral commented, “I like the variation of the different industries that I am able to work in, whether that’s pharmaceutical, food or manufacturing and learning how these very different businesses operate. I enjoy having the opportunity to constantly meet different people and enable them to save time and increase efficiencies through Sage Enterprise Management. I’m grateful for the fun and friendly environment provided by Mysoft, there’s always someone to brainstorm ideas with or simply have a coffee with.”

Outside of Work

Outside of work, Viral is typically happiest when he is sat in front of the TV watching a movie or the football. When he’s not in the office, you’ll find him socialising with friends and family or pottering around the house doing odd bits of DIY. Viral also likes to keep fit so he visits the gym when time allows. He likes spicy food and his favourite is Thai closely followed by Mexican.

His favourite movie? “Hmm probably The Goonies, you can never get bored of watching it! It feels like you’re on an adventure each time!”

We wanted to find out more about Paul so we asked him some questions about his career and life outside of work…

About Paul

Paul joined the Sales Department at Mysoft in 2016. He was looking for an opportunity to get into ERP Pre-Sales and had come across Mysoft while working at his last company. He then met Chris and Brendan and found that the more he heard about Mysoft and X3, the more he felt his personality would be a good fit for Mysoft. Paul’s role at Mysoft is Pre-Sales Consultant. He has worked in systems for nearly all his career, and spent 22 years providing support, training and consultancy to advertising agencies.

Paul says that he did not have much experience in a manufacturing or distribution environment before he came here, so he finds this fascinating. He enjoys talking to new prospects and is interested in discovering the ways in which companies in different industries operate and seeing how Sage X3 can work for them. Paul gets a buzz from knowing he has done the best that he can, that he’s prepped well for a meeting or a demo and if the customer gives out a good vibe. Paul’s least favourite thing about his job is the M25 on a Monday morning but winning a deal makes all the travelling worthwhile!

Outside of Work

In his personal time, Paul is happiest around his family, especially when they are all around for the holidays or Christmas. Paul loves football and has been a Crystal Palace fan for over 40 years, even though they aren’t very good, so when they win it’s a revelation! He likes listening to music, flicking between Radio X and Absolute while he’s in the car.

Paul recently went to see the Foo Fighters and thought they were brilliant, but he doesn’t “get” rap, grime and techno- he thinks it must be his age! If he had more time, Paul would like to go out more, but he also likes going to the gym and reading. Paul used to play golf and wants to get back into it even though he wasn’t particularly good; he says he’s a “Happy Hacker” and feels he has unfinished business with his golf clubs!

Paul likes most food as long as it’s not anchovies, capers and peanut butter, but would choose a steak, chips, salad and a nice red as his favourite meal. Along with all the Star Wars movies, Paul’s favourite movie is a toss up between ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ and ‘Groundhog Day’.