
Sage X3 Stock Situation

Unlocking Potential

Sage X3 Stock Situation Plugin Summary

The Stock Situation Plugin provides a hub from which users can view inventory levels and availability across the entire business, even in organisations that operate in multiple countries. Global visibility of stock is important to ensure stock is available in the right locations so you can provide the customer with the best service.

Who Is It For?

Multi-site businesses that need a global view of inventory to manage stock more efficiently.

What Will You Gain?

A comprehensive view of stock across the entire business to improve visibility and flexibility to ensure inventory is best placed to meet customer demands

Where Will You Find me?

An information hub found in the Product Screen to succinctly view a large quantity of inventory data

More Detail:

The stock summary, across all sites, can be viewed per product. This includes current stock level, available stock, allocated stock, in-transit stock, and more. It is also possible, via line actions, to drill through to other enquiries should more detail be required.


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