
Sage X3 Exchange Rate

Unlocking Potential

Sage X3 Exchange Rate Plugin Summary

For businesses dealing with multiple currencies, maintaining accurate exchange rates is crucial but challenging due to constant fluctuations. Typically, rates are manually entered into Sage X3 daily, which is inefficient and error-prone. The Mysoft Exchange Rate Plugin automates this process, eliminating manual input and errors. It allows users to configure rules for each currency, automatically updating rates using accurate data from third-party software via API. This ensures precise and timely information, reduces human error, and enhances efficiency. Additionally, it provides a log of exchange rates for full auditability, aiding in resolving discrepancies and maintaining strong business relationships.

Who Is It For?

Businesses that trade using different currencies

What Will You Gain?

Automation in the maintenance of exchange rates, increasing financial accuracy through eliminating manual entry errors and delays.

Where Will You Find me?

Sage X3 Exchange Rate can be found within the Financials section of Sage X3

More Detail:

For businesses that trade using a range of different currencies, accuracy is important. Exchange rates change every second so it can be challenging to stay up to date. Commonly, exchange rates are manually entered in to Sage X3 at the start of each day (for Daily Rates). These will be used by the entire business, usually for 24 hours.

This process is inefficient, relies on human intervention, and can present keying errors. With the Mysoft Exchange Rate Plugin, these issues are eliminated. Sage X3 Exchange Rate replaces manual input and enables seamless automation.

In Sage X3, the user is able to configure a set of rules for each desired trading currency. Currency information is populated using detailed exchange rate data provided by third-party software, made available via API. This enables a high level of accuracy and time-relevant data.

Field selection allows flexible set up for each exchange rate, for example, the number of decimal places and rate type. Once set up, exchange rates in Sage X3 are automatically updated according to the configuration. The system uses accurate figures from a reliable external database.



This Plugin is particularly useful for businesses operating in multiple territories, or simply those that work in varying currencies. Continuity is ensured at each site while the risk of human error is eliminated.

Additionally, a log of exchange rates is stored on the system, thereby providing full auditability of the currency transactions. A Sage X3 user can access a day-by-day history of all rates used within the business and any customer discrepancies can be easily settled by referring to this data, strengthening business relationships.


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