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Stock Resynchronisation in Sage X3

Sage X3 is a very strong solution when it comes to stock and inventory management.


Its inherent flexibility as a solution allows you to build your specific stock management processes within the technology, automating areas of the process and accelerating your ways of working.

However, setting up the stock and inventory management processes can be a challenging a task. Below are some common stock errors we have come across in Sage X3, and how to resolve them.

This blog will explain how to troubleshoot the following in Sage X3:

  • An error on the adjustment of the prices when trying to post a Purchase invoice.
  • A problem with receipting goods in transit where they do not appear for processing.
  • Trying to use a product and getting the following error: Stock Is Being Modified, Cannot Process error.

When any issues occur with Stock, they can often be fixed by running the following resynchronisation processes.


a.     Inventory > Utilities > Valuation > WIP Resynchronisation

Make sure you choose the appropriate site and check automatic Correction



b.     Inventory > Utilities > Valuation > Quantities Entered Resync

There is no selection on this resynchronisation and it will launch straight into the function.



c.     Inventory > Utilities > Valuation > Stock Resynchronisation and Control

This resync is used to resynchronise stock data at site or folder level.

This function can be limited to processing for a company or site.



d. Inventory > Utilities > Valuation > Storage Plan Resync

There is no selection criteria for this resynchronisation.

In addition to generic error messages shown above, the following can appear when running the resynchronisations:

  1. Warehouse site de-synchronised… Correction carried out

An anomaly in the site stock file is detected. The ITMMVT table is automatically updated according to the information recorded in the files concerned (STOCK, STOALL..)

  1. Lot site de-synchronised… Correction carried out

An anomaly in the stock lot file. The update of STOLOT with respect to STOCK is automatic.

  1. Orphan quality control line… Automatic deletion

Record in STOQLYD has no corresponding record in STOQLYH and STOCK. Similarly, there may be an instance where STOQLYH has no corresponding record in STOQLYD.

  1. Serial number not issued and not in stock… Automatic deletion

A serial number is not issued nor in stock, the deletion of the record in STOSER is automatic.

  1. Stock and FIFO price tables de-synchronised… FIFO price and stock control carried out

The FIFO stock price and the stock control has found an anomaly. The correction needs to be made manually.



The Mysoft team have 250 cumulative years of experience working solely with Sage X3. Our experienced team is capable of supporting you throughout your entire Sage X3 journey; scoping, implementation, customisation, development and beyond.

Our Support team has a unique depth of technical knowledge. This blog demonstrates a tiny fraction of their knowledge. We want your solution to be perfect for you and we focus on building long-lasting business relationships with our customers, to ensure they continue to gain the very most from their investment over the months and years to come.


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