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ZAP Data Hub: Making Managing And Analysing Your Data A Breeze

Sage Data & Analytics, also known as ZAP Data Hub, is an end-to-end data management and business intelligence tool for Sage X3.


ZAP were founded in 2001 and have offices across the globe in the USA, Europe, Australia and South Africa, and multiple sales partners across over 80 countries.

So how can ZAP Data Hub change the way you manage and analyse your data?

With pre-built data model solutions to give you access to accurate and trusted reports in the fastest possible time, there’s no need for you to start from scratch and waste time by building the data connection, data model etc. on Sage X3.

The solution connects to your Sage X3 system to ensure that you have an insight into your business as a whole via pre-built dashboards and reports.

ZAP process can be broken down into 4 elements:

  1. Data Automation and Integration

The smart data connectors automatically connect to Sage X3 and pull your data into our pre-built solution.

  1. Smart Modelling

The automation creates a pre-built data model consisting of your core modules like Finance, Sales, Inventory, Purchasing and Manufacturing. The endpoint of this automation is a ready-made cube for you to use to build reports/dashboards.

  1. Data Visualisation

With over 150+ reports and dashboards you can use what has been pre-built for you and accelerate your reporting journey or build your own custom reports that suit your business.

  1. Data Governance

This feature enables you to decide who gets to see what information within the organization. This can be done at both department level and individual user level.

Through this you decide how often your data needs to be updated at both the complete warehouse and individual pipeline level.



Whether it is building reports and dashboards from Sage X3 or unifying your Sage X3 data with other sources in the business-like CRM, Payroll, HR etc., the solution is completely customizable and scalable to give you one version of your data truth.

Contact us today to see how we can make your data management and BI journey easier with ZAP. 

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Workshop with a Sage Specialist