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Sage X3 Support Partners Part II: The Challenges of Changing Sage X3 Support Partner

It is important not to shy away from the fact that there will be challenges if a business wishes to change their support partner. But you must remember that there are also solutions. A plethora of unique solutions are available to each business’s needs and requirements.

In this blog we will discuss the challenges that a business may encounter on this journey. We will offer some suggestions of ways you can prepare if you choose to explore this option.

Intellectual Property

Support of another party’s Intellectual Property (IP) can be challenging. With many variables including the quality of documentation and development, or transparency of source there can also be legal or other restrictions on the supportability of IP in an X3 installation.

IP is typically owned by the developing party, not the client – unless otherwise stated within the customer contract. Therefore, any modifications or integrations to the customer’s X3 system may be considered the IP of the existing partner.  The customer will need to check contracts and understand the implications of moving to another partner.

Mysoft has, in the past, been required to undertake support or re-development of existing IP.  As standard practice, where it is possible, technically and legally, Mysoft will offer to support the existing IP.

Long Contracts

Multi-year contracts are common in the software industry, although not the standard.  It is necessary to ensure that, before attempting to switch partners, there is no long-term tie-in. If there is an existing long-term commitment, ensure there are grounds to terminate this before the contract term.

Exit Terms

Onerous exit terms can exist in contracts which preclude a support migration. These are rare but will require investigation into the contract.

The ‘Sunk Cost’ Fallacy

The sunk cost fallacy is a common cognitive bias where there is the perception that money previously spent will be ‘lost’ if a change is undertaken and therefore the better course of action is to continue spending. If the current contract is not delivering value, then the money is already spent and lost (even if still in contract). Switching sooner may be better.

In Part 3 of this series, we will explore common evaluation criteria and decision-making factors when selecting Sage X3 support partners.

Why Choose Mysoft as your Support Partner

At Mysoft we focus on helping your company to achieve the highest level of efficiency and agility possible. Our extensive and diverse experience in understanding ERP allows your business to unlock its full potential using Sage X3. Our expert team combines advanced Sage X3 knowledge with a wealth of real-world business, financial and IT experience.

Support Experience

Mysoft is UK’s first Sage X3 partner, with over 400 years of experience on the platform collectively. Working with Mysoft means you are working with the most experienced team of Sage X3 professionals. All our support agents are highly experienced with Sage ERP, and undergo regular training.

Depth Of Knowledge

Mysoft only implements and supports Sage X3 and its eco-system, and with our large team and deep experience on the platform, we are confident that we are one of the leading X3 partners globally. We live and breathe Sage X3.

Relationship With Sage

Mysoft leverages our long-standing and close partnership with Sage to ensure a speedy and satisfactory outcome for our support customers.

Fast Response Time

Mysoft will respond immediately to Category 1 tickets, and at within only 5 hours on Category 4 tickets.

Ease Of Contact

Whether you prefer to phone, email or log in to your ticket on our support portal, we are here to assist you.

In-House Expertise

Only ~2% of tickets raised with Mysoft go to Sage; so almost all tickets will be resolved quickly by Mysoft – allowing your business to continue uninterrupted.

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0 Mins
For Any Support Ticket
First Response SLA
0 %
Against SLA Targets
Average Resolution Time Of
0 Mins
for Urgent Tickets
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