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Pot Noodles for Charity

Last week, the Mysoft team rallied together to collect Pot Noodles for a local charity, Launchpad, who help to prevent homelessness in Reading.

Severe Weather Emergency Potocol (SWEP) is activated at the moment.

With the wettest February on record, life on the streets is even more challenging. Organisations for the homeless in Reading, like Launchpad, aim to get rough sleepers of the streets during periods of below zero temperatures. They provide lifesaving shelter, hot drinks, warm clothes and hearty meals.

A very admirable team of volunteers give their time to provide the homeless with these essential supplies. Mysoft are pleased to be able to give a helping hand to a very worthy cause.

We managed to collect a very impressive mountain of Pot Noodles as well as some additional extras of biscuits, milk and sugar cubes. Everything donated will be making a difference to those who have come across some complications in life and no longer have a stable place to live. The volunteers at Launchpad run drop-in sessions where the warm food and drinks will be handed out to those who need it.

It was great see the whole team involved in contributing to the food collection that will used to support those less fortunate than us and make their lives that little bit easier.

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