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Mysoft Join Run for Heroes

On the 28th March 2020, a woman called Olivia Strong set up an Instagram account called ‘Run for Heroes’.

This was created in an effort to help raise money for NHS workers and volunteers who are on the front line and behind the scenes caring for those suffering with coronavirus.

She created a challenge in which you run 5km, donate £5 to NHS Charities Together and nominate 5 friends to do the same. In a matter of days this concept went viral. With the help of Instagram and a few famous faces the target of £5,000 was hit in just four days. The new target was bumped up to £5million!

Of course, these activities all need to be carried out whilst adhering to the Government and NHS guidelines but are easily achievable nonetheless! And there is always the option of walking the 5km, or running part of it, or even completing it inside your own home.

Marketing Assistant, Amy Paterson, challenged the whole Mysoft team to complete the 5km in any way they could in order to be a part of a fantastic cause. All proceeds that are going to NHS Charities Together will be supporting NHS workers and volunteers. The money will be:

  1. Funding well-being packs for staff and volunteers on wards/departments
  2. Covering costs of travel, parking, accommodation for NHS staff and volunteer’s Volunteer expenses
  3. Other items as requested by NHS Charities that enhance the well-being of NHS staff and volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients.

Run for Heroes

The Mysoft team took no time getting stuck in to do their bit over the past week! There was a mixture of running, walking and cycling. Some completed it with their families and some roughed it alone in the hot sun. Not only will the donations be helping the UK’s heroes, but the positive energy brought on by exercising will help all those involved to keeping pushing through this difficult lockdown period and save lives.

Mysoft Run for Heroes Board

Name Activity
Brendan Kirby 5km run
Chris Schafer 16.5 km family bike ride
Ellie Wrenn 6.5km walk
Steph Wood 5.8km run
Sue Symons 5km walk with her daughter
Emma Weaving 5km run
Amy Paterson 5km run
Rosemary Weineck 10km walk

Steph commented saying “It is nice to be able to contribute something positive during these very disturbing times. Acknowledging that the big picture is beyond our control is frightening so I’m trying to concentrate on things I can control and exercise has become my Corona vice!”

“Improving my fitness was on my list of things to achieve this year and I’m smashing it… and saving a fortune on gym membership, who knew?!”

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The view from Chris’s family bike ride

Emma echoed this sentiment, “I enjoyed the fresh air, the energy boost and endorphins that exercise brings. It felt great to get all that while also supporting such an amazing cause – thank you NHS”.

Rosemary enjoyed a beautiful sunny day and even discovered a local pond she didn’t know about!

Sue mentioned that she will be doing the same route again but with her husband in the hope of knocking some time off as daughter, Jasmine, took a leisurely pace, “We did a lovely circuit of our village from one end to the other, having to slow down every time we came to a hill – She’s only 19!”

Run for Heroes Sue

Sue and her daughter Jasmine on their walk

As I write this article, Run for Heroes has raised an amazing £5,223,696.14 for NHS Charities Together (I’m sure this will be far more by now)! Mysoft are very proud to call themselves a part of this and everyone is incredibly grateful for all the work the NHS are carrying out during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Well done team and a huge thank you to the NHS!

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